Sunday, August 31, 2008

Baby Registry

I've been asked by some if we were going to register for the baby, as well as what stores are on Oahu. Currently the best stores we have right now include: Walmart, USA Baby, and Sears. Gift Cards at any of those stores (or would be greatly appreciated!!! We have already gotten a Crib, Swing, Bouncer, Stroller & Carseat. The Swing and Bouncer are Fisher Price (Rainforest Theme) -- so we are going to use that theme for the baby's room. (If that helps. . . hint hint) You can also shop online at:,,,,,, and ;-) Online shopping is a great way to go (Amazon is a great way to shop because you can usually qualify for FREE SHIPPING), but just make sure that the items can be shipped to Hawaii. Most online stores don't ship large or oversized items to Hawaii.

Now . . . an update about me. I received a call from my doctor about my test results. I was initially worried, because I had just taken my glucose tolerance test which would show if I was likely to get gestational diabetes. Well, the glucose test was normal . . . But I am very anemic. My Hemaglobin and Hematocrit levels were 10 & 31 (For those who don't know, the low end of normal is 13 & 39). My doctor recommended that I start taking Iron supplements twice a day in addition to my Prenatal Vitamins. :-( (Good for Baby, Bad for Regularity). I don't have much else to report. My next appointment is this week (September 3). I will keep everyone posted!
Love, Nicole

Monday, August 25, 2008

It's a Girl!

Sooooo. . . . We were able to have another ultrasound and we were able to see the gender! We are definately expecting a little girl!!! I'm 6 months along right now. I'm feeling good. We got all the measurements this time except for the spine, but I most likely won't be having another ultrasound. The baby was positioned funny. She was transverse and folded flat. At one point her legs were above her head! The pictures above are: (top right) girl parts, (top left) baby yawning, (bottom right) side picture (bottom left) face. I don't have much else to report now. But I will keep you posted!! Love, Nicole

Thursday, August 14, 2008

5 month Ultrasound Picture & Baby Bump

I know I haven't really been keeping up with this blog. :-( I've just been sooooo busy! I had my 5 month ultrasound on July 24th. Our baby was very shy and wouldn't show us it's gender. :-( But all the measurements were on target and our baby is healthy! My doctor had been out of town, and then Tim and I got to spend a fun week in Maui. I had a follow up appointment with my doctor this week (August 11) and everything is going well. We could hear the heartbeat. I am definately feeling movement now. It feels like the baby is flipping around in there! :-) Tim was actually able to feel the baby moving this week!!! It's crazy! We are sooooo excited! My next appointment isn't until September 3rd. I will do a glucose tolerance test sometime before then, just to rule out gestational diabetes. Otherwise things are going well. I've included some pictures. Two are from my 5 month Ultrasound and 2 are from our trip to Maui. You can actually see my baby bump now!!! Love, Nicole